Built with GRIT / Andy Nelson

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I knew swag that just featured the design system’s logo wouldn’t be as effective in driving adoption as a more engaging design, so I started iterating on concepts. I liked the idea of a graphic that evoked the feeling of the word “grit,” rather than a literal representation. In conjunction with that, I wanted text that would make the end user proud of using the GRIT design system. I settled on a graphic for the back of the sweatshirt that depicts a tiger fighting a snake, as a metaphor for building products with grit. On the front, I created a graphic of the ouroboros symbol, a snake eating its own tail, which is symbolic of iteration, a principle that is held in high regard at Progressive Leasing. Within the ouroboros symbol is the logo of the GRIT design system. The tiger and snake graphic was also made into a print, for people to display at their desks. A follow up survey will be sent out to measure adoption and usage of the design system documentation site in a few months, so it’s not currently possible to quantitatively measure if the swag had an impact on those metrics. However anecdotally, many people have approached me personally to tell me how much they liked the swag, and that they were excited to use the new documentation site. I believe that it is within reason to say that the swag, at the very least, had a positive impact on the perception of the GRIT design system.

Progressive Leasing
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