"Capturing the Vision" opening spread / Hales Creative

← 2020 Winners

This article featured artwork celebrating the 200th anniversary of the historic appearance of God the Father and Jesus Christ to Joseph Smith. The magazines audience includes members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who consider the historic subject of the article sacred and are commemorating it this year. The article's goals, both in how it was written and how it was designed and presented visually, were to inspire new and strengthen existing emotional connections to the historic event. The opening spread, featuring a painting by Jorge Cocco Santángelo, was designed in response to the artist's "sacrocubist" artwork, using geometric forms and colors to relate to the painting and also symbolize the significance of the event using only form, color, and typography. These elements were repeated in simple ways throughout the rest of the article to carry the theme throughout.

LDS Living Magazine
Kelly Nield - Art Director, Designer
Jorge Cocco Santángelo - Illustrator
Jannalee Sandau - Writer, Editor
Erin Hallstrom - Associate Publisher/Client
← 2020 Winners