Nothing's Concrete / Brandon Carpenter

← 2020 Winners

For my BFA capstone project, I wanted to design and create an installation that would explore the idea of personal growth. Due to Covid-19, the physical show was cancelled and moved onto an online platform. Though I was unable to share this project in person, I was challenged with creating a webpage that would elevate this experience. The search for personal change is one that never ends. Progression is inevitable, necessary and rewarding. Some believe that progress is attained only through ones successes. These same people will argue that failure will push one backwards, yielding no positive results. This could not be more wrong. To believe these lies would mean that humans are set in stone and unable to progress. Change is personal, beautiful, thrilling, difficult, rewarding and most importantly worth pursuing. Ultimately, everyone has the potential for greatness because Nothing’s Concrete. In the spirit of “Nothing’s Concrete”, I wanted to create a show that would visualize the metaphor of personal growth. I decided to design an installation that felt like a construction site. The idea of progression was depicted through imagery and physical objects that mirrored those of a site undergoing renovations. By focusing on the unfinished business of a construction site, I visualized the idea that life isn’t always about the end result but the journey that gets us there. I used materials such as raw wood, orange spray paint, fiberglass insulation, glass, blue prints, cinderblock, PVC pipe, and other construction materials to help create the authenticity of a building project. I even designed 3 different typefaces to be used in headers and the main logo, that were based on the typography printed on PVC pipe. I focused on 3 main concepts to instruct my ideas; Nothing’s Concrete: Progression, Under Construct: Perspective, and Unfinished Business: Potential. To better illustrate these ideas, I designed a long banner poster, a glass poster and a bulletin board that all expounded on these driving points. The installation was a success and was then displayed on a website for the world to see. To drive viewers to my project I create additional video posters that brought my graphics to life. The website was an excellent addition to this project because it helped organize the story of “Nothing’s Concrete”. Life is often difficult. It seems like a never ending project. This project is a reminder that change is challenging yet important aspect of our life. It teaches us that our life will only get better, because Nothing’s Concrete.

← 2020 Winners