Mercury / Jamie Lancaster

← 2020 Winners

To create a self-initiated design-focused research project concerning the impact graphic design and eye-tracking can have on severe degenerative diseases such as ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) more commonly known as Lou Gherig’s disease. After a recent discovery of a genetic mutation in my family line, I have devoted much of my time and research towards ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) also known as Lou Gherig's Disease. ALS ravages the body through quick deterioration and death of motor-nerons. Many ALS patients lose their ability to speak and communicate. Though, not all hope is lost, because eye-tracking can be a great asset for patients to regain independence and communicate with their loved ones.
I began by researching existing eye-tracking services, like Tobii-Dynavox and Optikey. Many of the existing interfaces are ineffective and rudimentary. They are large, and therefore not portable. And many patients don't use eye-tracking services due to the large cost. A Tobii-Dynavox machine can cost upwards of $15,000. As a solution to the communication problems ALS presents, I chose to design a more functional interface with the intention it should be mobile-first and open-source.
This interface can function primarily as a communication device, but also as personal assistant, and entertainment device. In addition to the device, I created educational materials about the disease. A brochure (which explains ALS in detail), and a poster, filled with statistics and stories about the disease.

Self Promotion
← 2020 Winners