Change Dixie / Jeremy Garcia

← 2020 Winners

I was born and raised in southern Utah. It wasn't until I left that I learned of the heritage that its nickname, "Dixie", had with the Antebellum South. After multiple conversations with family and friends who were unaware of the local University's blatant connections to the Confederacy, I decided that they needed to be showcased in some form.
This project aims to spread information about the unsavory connections to Confederacy and racism, as well as encourage southern Utahns to talk about change. A large focus is on the changing of my undergrad Alma mater, Dixie State University's name.
I decided to create a website that could quickly show connections to the Confederacy and racist culture from local newspapers, yearbooks and articles. I wanted the project to be firm but not overbearing and effectively prompt the reader to think about these issues in an inviting way.
Along with this, I will be creating additional objects to further the conversation. The first being a "Utah's Dixie" version of the smiling sun sticker. I've always loved the polite phrasing of "No thanks!" and thought that the sun also fit Southern Utah's climate.

Self Initiated Project
← 2020 Winners